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羅文笙老師於暑假期間帶領暑假研習團至法國里爾天主教大學(Université Catholique de Lille)進行法語密集課程及文化之旅(6/25-7/23)

此次的活動是從由文藻法文系的姊妹校--法國里爾天主教大學Université Catholique de Lille主辦。課程期間為6/25~7/23,羅老師帶領來自世界各地學生(阿爾巴尼亞、澳洲、加拿大、,進行密集課程及歐洲文化之旅。


Prof. Vincent Rollet teaches European Studies at a European Summer Program in France. {July 2017}

From June 25th to July 23rd , within the framework of the 2017 European Summer Program (ESP 2017), organized by the Catholic University of Lille (France) – a sister university of Wenzao – Prof. Vincent Rollet taught a course (27 hours) entitled “ Introduction to European Studies : History, Politics and Society” to motivated students coming from Albania, Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, the Philippines as well as Argentina, Mexico, Spain and the United States